Eva Weaver
author & coach

Wild Write Coaching
a three months writing deep dive
for writers of any stage
Would you like to dive deeply into your writing
this year?
Click Here to book a discovery call to see whether this powerful programme is for you!

* Has a book been nudging you for a while to be written?
* Do you have an idea for a novel, a screen play, poetry collection etc that you would like to get started with?
* Do you have a first draft of a project, but feel stuck as to how to progress?
* Maybe you have a half-finished novel or non-fiction book in your drawer and would like to continue and complete it?
If this resonates, WILD WRITE COACHING- a deep dive into your writing project could be for you!
This three-month one to one coaching package is an opportunity to receive supportive guidance and tools to progress your writing journey and help you deepen and develop your writing, at whatever stage of the writing journey you are.
a three-months Deep Dive into your writing!

Wild Write Coaching engages the whole of your being: body, mind, spirit & soul.
It supports you to tap into your wild nature and write from your body as much as from your mind. You will learn also about the Writing from the Body methodology, a powerful approach that can revolutionise your writing and how you relate to yourself!
Maybe you are at the exciting fresh beginnings of a writing project with the need for support to help you bring your ideas out and onto paper. Or you have a piece of work that needs to be further developed and taken to the next stages.
Wild Write Coaching can help you to grow and complete your project and give you fresh creative ideas – whether this is a novel, a blog, screen play, poetry collection or any other project or writing pursuit.
The package includes one hour, twice monthly online coaching sessions where you will be offered supportive guidance on the practical and organisational side of your writing journey.
In addition, through my professional writing experience, intuitive and holistic approach I can support you as an individual, so that your inner writer and creative can develop, allowing you to bring the best of yourself to your project.
You also receive in between session email and/or whattsapp support, to help you plan and develop a personal writing schedule, to set up accountability and feel empowered in your creative process.​
This is what a recent coaching client said about the Wild Write Coaching:
' I’ve had a book bubbling within me for several years, and although I’ve written in one way or another since childhood, I’ve never considered myself a writer. This meant that beginning my own book was exciting, but also a daunting task.
I had made a small start, but then got stuck on my next steps.
After signing up for the three month Wild Write Coaching, my writing journey has really taken off. The most important aspect is the insightful support Eva gives, which is both encouraging and helps make me completely accountable for the work I put into writing.
Eva is so reliable in her support, hugely professional & thoughtful, and her creative flair adds to any suggestions she makes to help me keep going and to really believe in who I am as a writer. It’s been very exciting, so much so that I am signing up for another three months of coaching! ‘
Charlotte Nolan, Yoga Teacher

What you will get with WILD WRITE COACHING:
* one discovery session to see whether this is for you;
* one initial session of 1.5 hours to dive deep, set intentions and get you started on your writing journey
* followed by 4 one-hour coaching sessions via zoom or in person- roughly spaced out every two weeks
* a last session of 1.5 hours to review, celebrate and explore 'what now?'
* whattsapp or email access in between sessions to check in, support accountability, encouragement etc.
* sign posts to free resources, book lists etc on writing, editing, publishing, creativity
* introduction to the methodology of embodied writing: ‘Writing from the Body’ and how you can use it in your own writing process
* introduction of other useful exercises and writing strategies.
* £100 from full price of my 12-week WRITING FROM THE BODY COURSE, starting 17th of October 2024
I will share my broad writing and publishing experience with you. We might explore :
* how to begin a project and establish a regular writing routine
* how to deal with inner and outer obstacles, such as procrastination
* getting clear on what the project is really about
* how to stay focussed and write in the middle of things
* strategies on how to deal with the inner critic
* bursting through writing blocks
* how to finish a first draft
* aspects of revising and self editing
* how to ask for specific feedback from trusted readers
* how to approach agents, send query letters etc.
My work is trauma informed and includes education and working with the nervous system to create powerful and sustainable changes.
I bring my life experience and wisdom from my journey of recovering and reclaiming my creativity to our work- from feeling I had no creative bone in my body and had no right to write, to becoming a successful published author.

Who is Wild Write Coaching for?
Anyone interested in writing. All ages, all genders, and all stages of writing.
Some reasons you might engage in Wild Write Coaching:​
You have always dabbled with the idea of writing and know you have a story to tell, but never quite had the confidence to begin. You seek inspiration and have a desire to explore writing in innovative and adventurous ways.
You are already engaged in a project and want to work more deeply, and learn to write from a more embodied place. You want to get out of your head, unblock your creativity and address resistance and challenges such as writer’s block or procrastinating. ​​
Your writing feels stale and you would like to bring more authentic expression to your creativity and re-wild your writing.
You want to become more productive and resilient to inner and outer criticism.
Wild Write Coaching can be an excellent choice for:
Writers of all kinds: academics, fiction- & non-fiction writers, poets, screen writers memoir writers who want to access personal material
Creative writing students and tutors
anyone who wants to write more- it might be you want to create a new website project and create new, fresh content
People who use writing as a healing practice and to support their mental health
Blocked writers & those seeking new inspiration
Embodiment professionals who want to write more
Counsellors, therapists or those in training
Health and mental health professionals
Sex professionals who want to write about their work
Other creatives who want to generate material and work deeply on a project such as theatre professionals, screen writers, performers, performance art & theatre students
A bit about me...
To coach writers, both budding and seasoned ones, and guide them to develop their projects from first ideas to complete projects, brings me huge joy and I would love to support you on your unique writing journey!
Writing is my passion and my main creative expression. I have written creatively all of my life and have published two historic novels :’The Puppet Boy of Warsaw’ (2013) which has been translated into 13 languages, and ‘The Eye of the Reindeer’ (2016) . I am currently working on an erotic novel ‘The Upholsterer’s Game’ and a poetry collection ‘Firewolf and Gazelle’.
I know that I would not have managed to stick with my writing ideas and see them through to completion and publication without a wonderful writing coach by my side. Now I am passionate about coaching writers myself.

I am particularly interested in the connection between our bodies and how we express ourselves creatively.
I believe passionately in the healing power of creativity and in our birthright to creativity.
My intention is always to support people to feel more empowered and alive and I bring my heart, passion and wisdom from my own healing journey and my experiences as a performance artist, writer, art therapist, bodyworker & creativity coach to my work and offerings.
This informs Wild Write Coaching, as well as my experiences in the area of embodiment with trainings in breathwork, Urban Tantra, Somatic Sex Education and Sexological bodywork.
I love coaching writers and facilitating creative spaces, such as my WILD WRITE and WRITING FROM THE BODY programmes, building nourishing communities and supporting people in their unique creative expression.
I have developed and worked with the methodology of Writing from the Body over many years. My life experience & varied professions have inspired many of the tools, having worked for ten years as an art psychotherapist in the area of adult mental health, as well as my work as a writing coach, breathwork facilitator, sex coach and bodyworker.
My interest and engagement in shamanism, tantra and transformational empowerment practices such as firewalking also informs my writing and coaching practice.

What I need from you if you would like to embark on this powerful WILD WRITE coaching journey with me:
* a commitment of three months minimum to work on a particular writing project or wanting to get started with writing;
* a desire and motivation to write regularly;
* some idea of a starting point for your project- this does not have to be fully fledged, as part of our work might be to become clear on this;
* commitment to carve out some regular time to dedicate to your project and the coaching process.
The cost for this powerful 3-months programme is £950
Flexible payment plans are available, please enquire!
I am so excited to support you on your writing journey!

The cost for the 3-months WILD WRITE COACHING programme is £950.
Payment plan is available. Please contact me at info@evaweaver.com
​​if you like to discuss this. ​
You are welcome to bring a project you are working on at the moment to the programme. You can apply the tools and methodologies you are learning straight away and generate new material in the sessions. Equally, you don’t have to have a project on the go, but just show up.
Wild Write Coaching is trauma informed – you will be encouraged to feel into what is doable for you and go at your own pace, exploring your personal edge and ‘learning zone’. I will suggest home play, resources and encourage you to play with the tools, practices and exercises and make them your own.
You will be offered homework/play in between sessions. It’s completely up to you whether you would like to engage with it.
Wild Write Coaching is all about the writing process and supporting you every step of the way with your project.
It is also about tapping into the mystery of writing- the collaboration between ourselves-and something bigger than us and how we make ourselves available to a creative project.
I will support you to create a regular, sustainable writing practice and develop confidence as a writer.
Please note: it is not about reading or critiquing your work, giving feedback on your writing style or editing your writing.
"We store memories in our bodies. We store passion and heartache.We store joy, moments of transcendent peace. If we are to access these, if we are to move into them and through them, we must enter our bodies to do so."
Julia Cameron ‘The Artist’s Way’